Classes we Offer
Online via Zoom - Pilates & Movement Restoration Classes
Online Via Zoom – Resistance Classes (Transition to weights)
Attended Classes at Heath & Reach – Pilates & Movement Restoration Classes
Online via Zoom - Pilates & Movement Restoration Classes
We keep our classes small and friendly, and we coach and chat to you through the class. if you have a problem with understanding the exercise, just ask us to show you again or we can help you through the exercise. Most clients will attend a regular weekly class, some more than one. If you are unable to attend your regular weekly class, you can do a catch up at another class – space permitting. The class is around 1 hour duration where we start with a warm-up – the main program and then cool down stretches.
If you are new to online exercise and not sure if it will work for you, we like to offer you a short introductory session to check your set up and a few exercises and then a free online class session to try it out. You would need to fill in a health questionnaire and checked by us before joining any of our classes. The monthly charge is for 1 class per week.
We use principles and exercises from Pilates together with techniques from an applied neuroscience approach to training to assist the different systems of the body that help us produce movement, (your eyes, vestibular system and sensory system) coupled with breathing exercises to help improve balance, co-ordination, mobility, movement and strength.
Online via Zoom - Resistance Classes Transition Class using Resistance Training
These resistance classes are a progression from our Pilates & Movement Classes where we use resistance mostly Dumbbells from 2-8kg depending on your ability. But we do also add in bodyweight exercises, some isometric exercises using a towel or if you have any kettlebells, we can also use these in the classes.
Our usual set up is a warm-up followed by 2 rounds of 8-9 exercises, finishing with a few stretching exercises taking around 45 minutes.
Generally, we work 1 minute on and a minute rest and 2 minutes rest between rounds. We do have clients at different ages so you can work at your own capacity/speed/resistance for the minute. Please Note -You do not have to work as hard as possible with these classes. Where some clients will work slower and lighter weights to get use to the exercise and others may do a few more reps or higher resistance. We also give options/adaptations on the exercises when needed.
Attended Classes Locally at Heath Village Barn, Heath & Reach - Pilates & Movement Restoration Classes
Again, these are small classes following similar routines and principles to our online Pilates & Movement Restoration Classes.
Monday's 9.30am - 10.30am (6 week block of classes)
Thursday's 6pm -7pm (6 week block of classes)
Friday's 9.30am - 10.30am (6 week block of classes)